Russell Fradin - CEO Dynamic Signal

On Being CEO

Russell Fradin, CEO of Dynamic Signal, Former CEO Adify, BoD at comScore

Russell Fradin is the CEO and Co-Founder and of Dynamic Signal. He is currently a Board Director at comScore, CoachArt, and TubeMogul. He was formerly a Board Director at Udemy. Russell was the CEO and Co-Founder of Adify Corportation, a technology platform and media company focused on vertically-oriented advertising networks. Adify was acquired by Cox Enterprises in 2008 for $300M.

Summary Notes on Being CEO

Advice for early stage CEO
Main tenets of being a CEO:
Set a vision
Hire great people
Don’t run out of money
In the early stages of a company the CEO plays multiple roles
The importance of having a strong board and advisors
From the start, build a board that consists of people who are answerable and who can help guide you and make sure you continue on a successful path
Boards and advisors are the greatest, cheapest labor you can get as a startup
Pick investors based on who you think can be most valuable and helpful to the business (not necessarily who pays the highest price)